An aid in the prevention of Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE).
1000 doses live freeze dried vaccine per vial.
Vaccination program
One live virus vaccination.
Vaccine administration
From 10 weeks-of-age until 4 weeks prior to the onset of lay administer AE-Vac™ via drinking water or wing-web.
Store refrigerated at 2 – 7 °C. Do not allow to freeze. Do not expose to disinfectants or heat.
In accordance with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) best practice, all susceptible birds on site should be vaccinated concurrently with the dose recommended by the manufacturer.
Administration of live AE vaccine to flocks in lay may result in a transient decrease in egg production for up to 14 days.
Do not administer live AE vaccine to breeders within 4 weeks of onset of lay or during egg production. The AE virus is shed in faeces and transmitted vertically in eggs for up to 4 weeks following vaccination. To avoid clinical AE in the progeny, eggs for hatching should not be taken from the flock until 4 weeks have elapsed following vaccination.
Birds less than 8 weeks-of-age exposed to live AE vaccine may display clinical neurological disease.
See AE-Vac™ package insert for detailed Directions for Use.
AE-Vac™ registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. A001515.
See for registration conditions.
Further Information
Disease Information Sheet
Avian Encephalomyelitis
Administration Information Sheet
Drinking water administration of vaccine
Safety Card
AE-Vac Safety Card
Product Information Sheet
AE Vac™