As an aid in the prevention of Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT).
1000 doses live freeze dried vaccine per vial
30 ml of Sterile Diluent 28 (intraocular administration)
Vaccination Program
Live attenuated ILT vaccine once or twice during rearing, or in the face of an outbreak.
Vaccine administration
From 10 days-of-age to 4 weeks-of-age administer Laryngo-vac® by spray, in drinking water or by the intraocular route.
Revaccinate replacement birds at 16 to 20 weeks-of-age.
Store refrigerated at 2 to 7ºC. Do not allow to freeze. Do not expose to disinfectants, direct sunlight or heat.
Laryngo-vac® is for administration to healthy birds. However, if an outbreak of ILT occurs immediately vaccinate all
susceptible birds. Start by vaccinating the birds furthest from the affected area first, and work towards the diseased birds.
A mild inflammatory reaction of the eye conjunctiva may occur approximately 4 days after vaccination. The inflammation will
disappear after about 3 days. Reactions are more frequent in dusty houses.
Farm staff should not traffic from premises with vaccinated birds to areas with non-vaccinated susceptible birds.
In accordance with the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) best practice, all susceptible birds should be vaccinated concurrently with the dose recommended by the manufacturer.
See Laryngo-vac® package insert for detailed directions for use.
Laryngo-vac® registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. A3151. See for registration conditions.
Restricted Veterinary Medicine (RVM), veterinary authorisation required for purchase and use.
Further Information
Disease Information Sheet
Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
Administration Information Sheet
Drinking water administration of vaccineSpray administration of vaccine in sheds
Safety Card
Laryngo Vac Safety Card
Product Information Sheet