Vaccination to prevent coccidiosis in breeder and layer chickens caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, E. necatrix and E. tenella.
1000 doses of live attenuated coccidian oocysts per vial.
Vaccination Program
One dose of live attenuated coccidian oocysts given before exposure to infection by field coccidians.
Vaccine administration
From 1 day-of-age administer Livacox® T in drinking water or by spray.
Veterinary medicines with coccidiocidal or coccidiostatic activity must not be given from 2 days before until 14 days after the vaccine is administered. Thereafter, to ensure recycling of oocysts avoid giving veterinary medicines with coccidiocidal or coccidiostatic activity.
A temporary impairment of feed conversion may be recorded 1 to 2 weeks after vaccination.
Give no less than one full dose of vaccine per chick (1000 doses of vaccine is for up to 1000 chicks).
Store refrigerated at 2 to 8°C.
Do not allow to freeze.
Protect from sunlight and moisture.
See Livacox® Q package insert for detailed directions for use.
Livacox® Q is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No A11664. See for registration conditions.
Further Information
Chickens develop immunity against coccidiosis after repeated cycles of infection by coccidians.
Livacox® Q vaccine provides the correct dose of sporulated attenuated oocysts for the first cycle of infection.
The sporulated oocysts hatch in the birds’ gut and the coccidians multiply. After about 5 days oocysts are shed in faeces and onto the litter. The oocysts on the litter must sporulate to become infective.
When the chicks eat the sporulated oocysts the second and third cycles of infection occur. Each cycle takes 6 to 10 days.
Sporulation requires warm temperature (25 to 30°C), moisture and oxygen.
Temperature, bird density, and litter moisture must be managed to ensure sporulation.
If chick density on placement is greater than 30 birds / m2, the surrounds should be opened no later than the 5th day after vaccination to allow a maximum density of 30 birds / m2.
Do not allocate extra space or transfer birds during the period 6 to 10 days after vaccination.
On day 11 expand the area to allocate 15 birds / m2.
On day 17 birds can be allowed unrestricted space.
Chicks should not be transferred to pens with new litter before 28 days-of-age.
Low bird density may result in dry litter, inadequate sporulation and inadequate intake of oocysts.
If the litter becomes dry and dusty, water may sprinkled on the litter.
Disease Information
Administration Information Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
Livacox Q Safety Data Sheet
Product Information Sheet
Livacox® Q